Tuesday 20 September 2011

How Turbine RC Helicopters Work

How Turbine RC Helicopters Work

Turbine RC Helicopter

The mechanics of how a turbine engine in an RC helicopter works is really quite simple. Air is sucked into the turbine and compressed. Fuel is added to the air and the mixture is ignited. The result? One powerful little heli engine!
When the compressed fuel and air mixture is ignited it expands quickly, and of course raises the temperature of the air. Since there is already more compressed air at the front of the turbine engine, the hot air and fuel mixture is going to take the easiest way out, which is through the back of the engine, creating thrust.

How Turbines Work Diagram

(Single stage turbine engine diagram)

The movement of this hot air and fuel mixture is forced through the back of the engine by the turbine blades. This movement will result in the turbine spinning, which will then cause the compressor to spin by way of a shaft that connects the turbine blades to the compressor blades. The entire process will continue to repeat itself over and over, creating power for your turbine RC helicopter.
The amount of power you get from your turbine engine depends on the fuel/air ratio that you have. The more fuel you add to the air, the quicker the turbine will turn. The quicker the turbine turns, the quicker the engine sucks in air to complete the process.

Turbine RC Helicopter Startup / Flight

There are two types of turbine RC helicopter turbine engines for you to choose from, though one only really fits the bill. There is the single state and the 2-stage turbine. The single stage, or direct drive turbine, is the less expensive form of turbine engine used. However, this form of turbine does have some disadvantages. Much of the thrust that is produced is wasted because it is simply pushed out of the engines exhaust nozzle.

Two Stage Turbine

(Two stage turbine)

A two-stage turbine engine on the other hand, is much more effective. These are the types of turbine engines that are used on most RC helicopters, and provide a higher level of power to your RC helicopter. There is no thrust wasted with a two-stage turbine. Instead, the thrust that would be wasted with a single stage turbine is used to turn a second set of turbine blades which helps to produce rotational power for your helicopter.

RC Turbine Bench Test Run

Installing a turbine engine in your RC helicopter is easy, especially if the helicopter you purchase is made for a turbine engine. It is possible however, to also convert a gas or nitro heli to a turbine by way of a conversion kit. While most of the mechanics and controls of a turbine heli are the same as that of a gas or nitro, there are a few parts required by a turbine that are different.

Installed RC Turbine
(Turbine installed in RC helicopter frame)

To install a turbine engine into your RC heli, you will also need a Full Authority Digital Engine Control, or FADEC, which is a small computer system that helps to control various functions and monitor your turbine’s performance. You will also need to add an electric fuel pump and valves, an auto start motor and a larger fuel tank. Since many of these additional features will create the need for additional electrical power, you will also have to install several dedicated batteries in addition to your receiver battery.
As with any RC aircraft, there are of course both advantages and disadvantages to flying a turbine RC helicopter. For many pilots that have already owned gas or nitro helicopters, making the switch the a turbine heli is often a nice change of pace that offers a new challenge. On the other hand, those that have difficulties in flying may want to consider waiting a bit for making the switch. A turbine RC helicopter can be quite costly, and if you are apt to crashing, you could be looking at spending a small fortune each time your heli takes a nose dive.
For those pilots that are more seasoned however, switching to a turbine RC heli can actually save money. The basic upkeep of these helicopters is rather minimal, and costs about the same as any large model gas or nitro model. Furthermore, even with turbine engines burning quite a bit of fuel, the fuel is less expensive compared to nitro helicopters, though it is a little more costly then a gas heli.
Turbine RC helicopters are great for those looking to add a little spice to their flying experience. But, as with anything RC, it is important to make sure you know what you are getting into, before you decide to make your purchase.

AirWolf Turbine RC Helicopter

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Helicopter Right For You

Is A Turbine RC Helicopter Right For You?

ATurbine RC helicopter is certainly a very realistic goal. Other than the complexities of the turbine engine(which really is not that complicated), if you are mechanically inclined and have mastered nitro or gas helis, a turbine RC heli is the next logical step.
RC turbine helicopter close up
Price is a topic for sure ($7,000 – $15,000 for helicopter and engine); but considering there are certainly more expensive hobbies such as snowmobiling, ATV’ing or even golfing for that matter,turbine RC helicopters are not unrealistic. With Bergen RC and Wren combining forces and introducing the newIntrepid 44 Magnum for just over $5K, prices are still high, but continue to drop.What I am getting at here is everything is relative. If you are passionate about RC helicopters – RC turbine helicopters will take you to the ultimate level of this hobby and cost the same or even less than many more popular hobbies and past times.

Speaking of cost, what about upkeep? Well considering the mechanics are pretty much the same as large gas and nitro helis, you can expect that same kind of mechanical component cost. Good quality turbine engines if properly cared for should run at least 50-70 hours between services – that is 300-420 ten minute flights – a lot of flying.
Turbines spin at very high speeds – upwards of 160,000 RPM. They have two special bearings (one at the front and one at the rear) that look just like regular ball bearings but are made of ceramic to handle the very fast rotational speeds coupled with the high amounts of heat they are subjected to. These bearings will be your main service items on the engine throughout the years.
The front bearing in the turbine is the one that takes most of the punishment and usually the first to go. Chris Bergen of Bergen RC told me you can actually "hear" when these bearings start to go as they wear and loosen. These bearings will generally cost around $100 USD each and as I said are really the only true wear and tear parts in the engine.
So much has to do with how you treat your turbine engine, but RC helis are generally not running these little beasties at full power and this saves both bearings and fuel. For example, during a normal flight, my Wren MW-54 two stage heli engine is usually spinning not much more than 100,000 RPM, and I have my maximum RPM limit set to 130,000.

Turbine RC Helicopter Jet OilThat said, even at lower power levels, turbines are still thirsty, generally consuming at least 100 ml of fuel per minute. They use regular kerosene or jet A1 fuel mixed with turbine jet oil. Even at that high consumption rate, fuel costs will be less than nitro fuel, a little more than gas however.
Turbine RC Helicopter Starting Gas FillYou also have to use small quantities of propane, butane, or a propane/isobutane mix (high performance camp fuel such as Coleman Powermax fuel for example) when starting the turbine (unless you have a "kerostart" system), but these costs are minimal.
Refueling Turbine RC Helicopter
As you can see, refueling a turbine RC helicopter is very much the same procedure as a two stroke gas powered one and operating costs are similar. The Bergen Intrepid here takes about 1.2 liters of fuel per fill and that gives a good 10 minute flight with a couple minutes of reserve. Jet A fuel where I live is about a $1.70 a liter so that is certainly less costly per flight than a big thirsty 90 size nitro engine, but is more than gas (both in cost per L and consumption rates).Also notice the CO2 fire extinguisher which is a MANDATORY safety item you need at all times with any turbine powered RC model in case of fire.
Turbine RC Helicopter Engine DamageDry chemical extinguishers like those found at the local hardware store are not recommended since the dry chem WILL damage the turbine engine. The picture to the right shows what happens when a dry chem extinguisher is used. The dry powder is sucked into the engine, melts inside the combustion chamber, and will usually at a minimum wreck the turbine section of the engine.
Intrepidid Turbine RC Helicopter
So - operating costs are in the same ball park as large nitro or gas models – assuming you don’t crash regularly and have to replace turbine engines on a monthly basis (the engine is the single most expensive component on the bird usually making up for about 75% of the cost). If that is you, better hone your flying skills first. The last thing this hobby needs is for turbine powered model aircraft to get a bad image because of bad pilots.
There is one last point to consider when you are wondering if a turbine RC helicopter is for you. Perhaps you stumbled upon this site looking for RC turbine jet information or are thinking a turbine RC jet is a better choice.
I fly planes too and admit the thought of a 1/6 scale turbine powered F-16 screaming through the air at 200+ kph is a powerful image - but I would be too scared to fly it. With a turbine RC helicopter, I can keep it as close to the ground as I want or fly nice and slow scale type helicopter flying while getting a full dose of turbine noise and smell.
This goes right back to the point I made above about bad pilots. I know my flying skills are probably not good enough to fly a turbine jet, but I do know they are good enough to fly a turbine heli. You must also evaluate your own skill level (flying skills & technical skills) before deciding if you are ready for this next fun step.
The only way I could personally justify having this much money tied up in a RC aircraft is in knowing that there's minimal chance it will crash or crash hard enough to be a complete write-off. Seeing that I don't intend doing any fancy aerobatics with my Intrepid turbine heli and have many enjoyable flights with it so far, that is a very realistic outlook in my opinion.
Just remember however, crashing is part of this hobby, and you have to do a little sole searching within yourself knowing full well it is not a question of if it will crash, but rather when it will crash. Perhaps that fear is what will keep your turbine RC helicopter safe for many years to come.
Long ranger turbine RC helicopter This is not to say you can’t perform 3D aerobatics with certain turbine RC helicopters, but I know for a fact crashing is part of 3D – you can’t get away from it... sooner or later the ground always wins. On the other hand, if your skill and bank account allow it, you will impress people beyond measure as Chris demonstrates below flight testing his new Magnum 44Turbine RC Helicopter.

Hybrid Water Fuelled Car

Hybrid Water Fuelled Car - How to Convert Your Car to Run on Water !

run a car on Water...... are they a thing of the future ? or are they REAL and Actually Available here and NOW !

Have You Noticed Gas Prices Going Up Again? Find out how you can drive with confidence, knowing that you have the newest Hybrid technology available today while cleaning your engine inside, and cutting emissions outside PLUS you'll be getting the benefit of SAVING MONEY at the same time!

EnergySwift will reveal some True Facts about the Technology of Using Water for Fuel in a Motor Vehicle Engine. Can this actually be Done ?

The technology of Water for Fuel is Called HHO ( Oyhydrogen ) converting Water into Electricity and producing Hydrogen Gas.

Here we will dig deep into some of the Understanding, Statements, Science and Application of this process of Hybrid Water Fuelled Car Technology - So that everyone can Save Money on Fuel, Build and Install an HHO Generator/Converter to their everyday Cars, Trucks and Suv.s.

How Does WATER Fuel Technology Work ?

It operates on a 100 year old proven technology called Electrolysis...........

Whenever you place two pieces of metal in water, and apply electricity, the water separates into it's basic molecules, Hydrogen and Oxygen (H2O).

When this reaction happens, H2O molecules become connected together in their liquid form which is WATER

But when you apply electricity (from your car battery), the molecules separate and form a GAS (called HHO) which is a mixture of Hydrogen and Oxygen.

This HHO GAS is then sucked into your engine and mixed along with the air from the air filter. As the gasoline is ignited in your engine, the HHO GAS is too, making it MORE powerful than gasoline alone.

This is MUCH BETTER than Just Plain Hydrogen because you are also making extra Oxygen which causes the gasoline to burn FASTER and CLEANER resulting in BETTER mileage and a much CLEANER EXHAUST Fume! Thus Cleaner nad Greaner for the environment too.
This is the Concept of Hybrid Water Fuelled Vehicles!

What Do I Have To Do To My Engine To Create HHO Gas?

Build What Is Called an HHO Generator or Water Hydrolyzer - So your Car becomes Hybrid Water Fuelled

An HHO Generator sounds very complicated but is not, it really is Simple and Cheap to Build, Install and Maintain.

A simple device you can make at home for pennies will take regular water (H2O) and convert it to a gas (HHO) that your car can run on- this is what is meant by Hybrid Water Fuelled Car. The only waste product is pure water again! Talk about being absolutely wonderful for the endangered environment.

You can run for hundreds of miles on less than one quart of water. That means there's almost literally money pouring out of your home plumbing system and this is like getting
GAS for FREE.......

It's completely Safe. And since water burns cleaner and more efficiently than gas, it actually cleans your engine and helps your car run smoother over time...not to mention saving the environment from choking CO2 emissions.
This HHO Generator Actually Increases MPG (miles per gallon of fuel )....

Q - A ....About HHO Water for Fuel Technology !

Here Are Some Truths, Myths and Answers to Water Fuel Generators which convert your Engine to be Hybrid Water Fuelled........

Q - Why Would I trust Converting My Engine to Run On Water ?
A - You are not actually doing anything TO the Engine - A Generator Installed on your Vehicle is to ADD Fuel (Water Hydrogen Gas ) to your actual Combustionable Gasoline and GIVE you a Massive Increase Mileage. This means Mechanically -The engine still works as Normal, but has a Safe added Fuel ( Hybrid ) Technology to the Vehicle.

Q - Is the Technology SAFE ?

A - The HHO Generator system is 100% safe. You won't risk electrocuting yourself, and you won't be playing with nuclear fusion. You don't have to be a genius to prevent yourself from destroying your engine, or anything even remotely close. It's simple, easy and safe.

Q - Will this Technology Be Harmful to My Engine ?

A - Absolutely NOT - Your car will run better. It'll be quieter, smoother and more reliable. Water has a beneficial effect on the combustion cycle inside your engine. It removes carbon deposits that are already there, and keeps them for forming again over time. Your engine will purr so quietly you can barely hear it!

Q - How Much Can I expect to Save

A - It's hard to give an exact number because quite frankly, every car is different.You Will Increase your miles per gallon by 50% or more immediately. Reports from existing customers go as high as 60% to 80%, but you can expect at least 50% no matter what car or truck you convert. This means LESS gas to BUY and More Money in Your Pocket, It really does depend on How many Miles you actually Travel and How many Vehicles you Run.

Q - Does It Work On Diesels and Turbo Diesel Engines Too?

A - Yes, this Technology Works on all Vehicles, Engines and Fuels.......

Q - Where can I Buy The HHO Generator Manual ?

A - There are Many to choose from but Our Best Recommendation is HERE

Benefits of Using Hybrid Water Fuelled Systems ............

Just some of the Great Benefits as well as Saving Money!!!

1) Significantly reduce your gas bills! Do you realize what it would mean to double your mileage? If you get around 300 miles per tank, you could drive almost 600 miles for the same price!

2) Increase the power of your engine! Now, you're not going to turn a Toyota into a Top racing car, but you will notice more oomph and quicker acceleration from stand still, as well as smoother long distance cruising speeds.

3) Clean the Inside of Your Engine by the steam created.The HHO gas adds enormous energy to your existing gas or diesel fuel - after it combusts, it turns back into water, cleaning carbon deposits and old stubborn messes off the inside of your engine like a scraping the inside of a doughnut mixing bowl!

4) Your car will run better. It will be be quieter, smoother and more reliable. Water has a beneficial effect on the combustion cycle inside your engine. It removes carbon deposits that are already there, and keeps them for forming again over time. Your engine will sound so quiet, you can barely hear it!

5) Huge Savings where it is needed the most - in your Pocket !. Travel Mileage Doubled means $$$ or £££ SAVED.

6) Your new Hybrid Water Fuelled Engine will actually be protecting the environment.It will reduce dangerous emissions, due to the only waste is pure water again! And it will reduce your engine temperature, which can help reduce global warming even more. Even better, water fuel systems mean your car needs less fuel, so your car can do a cleaner, more efficient job

7) It only costs a small Investment to build the conversion kit. What sense would it make if the conversion cost you thousands of dollars? None at all, so the Industries Developers have simplified things down to the easiest, quickest, least expensive system you'll ever need. You'll even have some of the materials and parts around your own house!

8) It works for literally all types of vehicle. That means sporty cars,Suv,s, trucks, passenger sedans, etc. And just try to imagine the fuel savings you'll get in a gas-guzzling V8 4x4.

Why are the Car Industries Not Making Cars Which Run on Water ?

Oil Companies and Countries Economies RELY on the MONEY Generated by OIL-Fuels!

FREE Yourself from the Greedy Oil Companies and Manipulating Politicians!

You're probably reading this and wondering why in the world this isn't being put into every car being made in America and around the world? Good Question! And if I wasn't so cynical, I'd say it was because they just haven't heard about this breakthrough energy producer yet. But this technology has been around for almost a Hundred Years!

Can I let you in on a Truly Hidden secret?

They don't really want cars to get too much mileage. Why? They say it might ruin our economy and send oil prices plummeting! It could destabilize the middle east (like it's not already?). The Oil Prices could not be Manipulated as much as they are now.

A 200 MPG Carburetor Invented by a person and how did the Oil companies and Government Officials treat this ?

They DEEMED and RENDERED it USELESS!!!! To Prevent You and Me from gaining High Mileage Vehicles in our Posession.

Maintaining your EFI of How to keep your car always new

The benefits of EFI systems for improving efficiency and drive-ability have now been universally recognized. In Pakistan, these systems are also in widespread use, but due to the variable quality of the fuel and the service conditions, some special considerations will be presented in this short article.
Let us start by considering the structure of a typical fuel injector and basic operation.
As shown in the diagram, there are only a few parts to a fuel injector. The pressurized fuel rail supplies fuel which passes through a small and very fine fuel filter. This filtered fuel is held up in a plunger assembly that is opened by a solenoid when an electrical signal is received from the ECU. A spring shuts the plunger when the signal is removed. The fuel goes to the tip, which then sprays it in a fine atomized mist to help create the air:fuel mixture in the intake tract of the cylinder just upstream of the intake valve.
Understanding this structure is the key to keeping it working as well as possible.
The first requirement is good fuel supply;

When was the diesel engine invented

Internal combustion engine

The internal combustion engine is an engine in which the combustion of a fuel (normally a fossil fuel) occurs with an oxidizer (usually air) in a combustion chamber. In an internal combustion engine, the expansion of the high-temperature and -pressure gases produced by combustion applies direct force to some component of the engine, such as pistonsturbine blades, or a nozzle. This force moves the component over a distance, generating useful mechanical energy.[1][2][3][4]
The term internal combustion engine usually refers to an engine in which combustion is intermittent, such as the more familiar four-strokeand two-stroke piston engines, along with variants, such as the six-stroke piston engine and the Wankel rotary engine. A second class of internal combustion engines use continuous combustion: gas turbinesjet engines and most rocket engines, each of which are internal combustion engines on the same principle as previously described.[1][2][3][4]

Animated two stroke engine in operation
The internal combustion engine (or ICE) is quite different from external combustion engines, such as steam or Stirling engines, in which the energy is delivered to a working fluid not consisting of, mixed with, or contaminated by combustion products. Working fluids can be air, hot water,pressurized water or even liquid sodium, heated in some kind of boiler.
A large number of different designs for ICEs have been developed and built, with a variety of different strengths and weaknesses. Powered by an energy-dense fuel (which is very frequently gasoline, a liquid derived from fossil fuels). While there have been and still are many stationary applications, the real strength of internal combustion engines is in mobile applications and they dominate as a power supply for cars, aircraft, and boats.